Post Doc Appreciation Week
Post doc appreciation week is a celebration of the outstanding efforts and contributions postdocs and researchers make to the scientific community. This year in particular has been a tough time for all of us with the currently global pandemic bringing the majority of research to a halt as labs and offices round the world were shut for months.
Despite this hindrance, we know post docs everywhere have been doing their best to maintain productivity and advance their field to the best of their abilities, and for this I think they deserve even more praise than usual. The contributions post docs and researchers have continued to make through the pandemic has been outstanding and their efforts greatly appreciated.
The CRG post docs have been no exception to this, and while we might not have been able to get in the lab to run as many experiments as we would have liked, we have been hard at work with data analysis, paper/grant writing, attending professional development courses and doing our best to keep the data flowing as we adapt to new ways of working.
We are all proud of each other for the amazing effort we have been putting in, and I’m sure we aren’t alone in wanting to give all out fellow post docs a huge shout out for their hard work continued contributions to the world of science.
Keep up the hard work, remember to stick to public health guidelines and, no matter how run down you feel after a nightshift in the lab, everything you do it greatly appreciated, and your efforts are never in vain!