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Human umbilical cord perivascular cells improve human pancreatic islet transplant function by increasing vascularization.

Forbes S, Bond AR, Thirlwell KL, Burgoyne P, Samuel K, Noble J, Borthwick G, Colligan D, McGowan NWA, Lewis PS, Fraser AR, Mountford JC, Carter RN, Morton NM, Turner ML, Graham GJ, Campbell JDM. Science Translational Medicine.


Placental chemokine compartmentalisation: A novel mammalian molecular control mechanism. Lee KM, Wilson GJ, Pingen M, Fukuoka A, Hansell CAH, Bartolini R, Medina-Ruiz L, Graham GJ. PLoS Biology.


Leukocyte Adhesion: Reconceptualizing Chemokine Presentation by Glycosaminoglycans. Graham GJ, Handel TM, Proudfoot AEI. Trends in Immunology.


Chemokine Receptor Redundancy and Specificity Are Context Dependent. Dyer DP, Medina-Ruiz L, Bartolini R, Schuette F, Hughes CE, Pallas K, Vidler F, Macleod MKL, Kelly CJ, Lee KM, Hansell CAH, Graham GJ. Immunity.


The chemokine receptor CXCR2 contributes to murine adipocyte development. Dyer DP, Nebot JB, Kelly CJ, Medina-Ruiz L, Schuette F, Graham GJ. Journal of Leukocyte Biology.


The Atypical Chemokine Receptor Ackr2 Constrains NK Cell Migratory Activity and Promotes Metastasis. Hansell CAH, Fraser AR, Hayes AJ, Pingen M, Burt CL, Lee KM, Medina-Ruiz L, Brownlie D, Macleod MKL, Burgoyne P, Wilson GJ, Nibbs RJB, Graham GJ. Journal of Immunology.


The atypical chemokine receptor-2 does not alter corneal graft survival but regulates early stage of corneal graft-induced lymphangiogenesis. Yu T, Forrester JV, Graham GJ, Kuffova L. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.


A guide to chemokines and their receptors. Hughes CE, Nibbs RJB. FEBS Journal.


The Atypical Chemokine Receptor ACKR2 is Protective Against Sepsis. Castanheira FVES, Borges V, Sônego F, Kanashiro A, Donate PB, Melo PH, Pallas K, Russo RC, Amaral FA, Teixeira MM, Ramalho FS, Cunha TM, Liew FY, Alves-Filho JC, Graham GJ, Cunha FQ. Shock.


MicroRNA-146 and cell trauma down-regulate expression of the psoriasis-associated atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2.

Shams K, Kurowska-Stolarska M, Schütte F, Burden AD, McKimmie CS, Graham GJ. Journal of Biological Chemistry.


Chemokines in depression in health and in inflammatory illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Leighton SP, Nerurkar L, Krishnadas R, Johnman C, Graham GJ, Cavanagh J. Molecular Psychiatry.


CXCR2 and CXCL4 regulate survival and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. Sinclair A, Park L, Shah M, Drotar M, Calaminus S, Hopcroft LE, Kinstrie R, Guitart AV, Dunn K, Abraham SA, Sansom O, Michie AM, Machesky L, Kranc KR, Graham GJ, Pellicano F, Holyoake TL. Blood.


Host inflammatory response to mosquito bites enhances the severity of arbovirus infection. Pingen M, Bryden SR, Pondeville E, Schnettler E, Kohl A, Merits A, Fazakerley JK, Graham GJ, McKimmie CS. Immunity.


TLR7-mediated skin inflammation remotely triggers chemokine expression and leukocyte accumulation in the brainMcColl A, Thomson CA, Nerurkar L, Graham GJ, Cavanagh J. Journal of Neuroinflammation.


ACRK4 on stromal cells scavenges CCL19 to enable CCR7-dependent trafficking of antigen-presenting cells from inflamed skin to lymph nodes. Bryce SA, Wilson RAM, Tiplady EM, Asquith DL, Bromley SK, Luster AD, Graham GJ, Nibbs R. Journal of Immunology.


Atypical chemokine receptors and their roles in the resolution of the inflammatory response. Bonecchi R, Graham GJ. Frontiers in Immunology.


The ability to cross the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier is a generic property of acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts. Williams MT, Yousafzai YM, Elder A, Rehe K, Bomken S, Frishman-Levy L, Taylor S, Sinclair P, Dormon K, Masic D, Perry T, Weston VJ, Kearns P, Blair H, Russell LJ, Heidenreich O, Irving JA, Izraeli S, Vormoor J, Graham GJ, Halsey C. Blood.


An atypical addition to the chemokine receptor nomenclature: IUPHAR Review 15. Bachelerie F, Graham GJ, Locati M, Mantovani A, Murphy PM, Nibbs R, Rot A, Sozzani S, Thelen M. British Journal of Pharmacology.


D6/ACKR2.  Graham GJ.  Frontiers in Immunology.


The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 suppresses Th17 responses to protein autoantigens. Hansell CA, MacLellan LM, Oldham RS, Doonan J, Chapple KJ, Anderson EJ, Linington C, McInnes IB, Nibbs RJ, Goodyear CS. Immunology and Cell Biology.


The chemokine receptors ACKR2 and CCR2 reciprocally regulate lymphatic vessel density. Lee KM, Danuser R, Stein JV, Graham D, Nibbs RJ, Graham GJ. EMBO Journal


IL-33 promotes ST2-dependent lung fibrosis by the induction of alternatively activated macrophages and innate lymphoid cells in mice. Li D, Guabiraba R, Besnard AG, Komai-Koma M, Jabir MS, Zhang L, Graham GJ, Kurowska-Stolarska M, Liew FY, McSharry C, Xu D. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology


Flow cytometry applications for the analysis of chemokine receptor expression and function. Anselmo A, Mazzon C, Borroni EM, Bonecchi R, Graham GJ, Locati M. Cyometry A


Chemokines as novel and versatile reagents for flow cytometry and cell sorting. Le Brocq ML, Fraser AR, Cotton G, Woznica K, McCulloch CV, Hewit KD, McKimmie CS, Nibbs RJ, Campbell JD, Graham GJ. Journal of Immunology


Characterization of conventional and atypical receptors for the chemokine CCL2 on mouse leukocytes. Ford LB, Cerovic V, Milling SW, Graham GJ, Hansell CA, Nibbs RJ. Journal of Immunology


Peripheral inflammation is associated with remote global gene expression changes in the brain

Thomson CAMcColl ACavanagh JGraham GJ Journal of Neuroinflammation


Increased number and altered phenotype of lymphatic vessels in peripheral lung compartments of patients with COPD. Mori M, Andersson CK, Graham GJ, Löfdahl CG, Erjefält JS. Respiratory Research


Cell-autonomous regulation of neutrophil migration by the d6 chemokine decoy receptor. Rot A, McKimmie C, Burt CL, Pallas KJ, Jamieson T, Pruenster M, Horuk R, Nibbs RJ, Graham GJ. Journal of Immunology


An analysis of the function and expression of D6 on lymphatic endothelial cells. McKimmie CS, Singh MD, Hewit K, Lopez-Franco O, Le Brocq M, Rose-John S, Lee KM, Baker AH, Wheat   R, Blackbourn DJ, Nibbs RJ, Graham GJ. Blood


Suppression, subversion and escape: the role of regulatory T cells in cancer progression. Oleinika K, Nibbs RJ, Graham GJ, Fraser AR. Clinical and Experimental Immunology


CCX-CKR deficiency alters thymic stroma impairing thymocyte development and promoting autoimmunity. Bunting MD, Comerford I, Seach N, Hammett MV, Asquith DL, Körner H, Boyd RL, Nibbs RJ, McColl SR. Blood


Using fluorescent chemokine uptake to detect chemokine receptors by fluorescent activated cell sorting. Ford LB, Hansell CA, Nibbs RJ. Methods in Molecular Biology


Bcl-3 deficiency protects against dextran-sodium sulphate-induced colitis in the mouse. O'Carroll C, Moloney G, Hurley G, Melgar S, Brint E, Nally K, Nibbs RJ, Shanahan F, Carmody RJ. Clinical and Experimental Immunology


Regulation of the immune and inflammatory responses by the 'atypical' chemokine receptor D6. Graham GJ, Locati M. Journal of Pathology


D6: the 'crowd controller' at the immune gateway. Lee KM, Nibbs RJ, Graham GJ. Trends in Immunology


Microarray analyses demonstrate the involvement of Type I Interferons in psoriasiform pathology development in D6 deficient mice. Baldwin HM, Pallas K, King V, Jamieson T, McKimmie CS, Nibbs RJ, Carballido JM, Jaritz M, Rot A, Graham GJ. The Journal of Biological Chemistry


International Union of Pharmacology. LXXXIX. Update on the Extended Family of Chemokine Receptors and Introducing a New Nomenclature for Atypical Chemokine Receptors. Bachelerie F, Ben-Baruch A, Burkhardt AM, Combadiere C, Farber JM, Graham GJ, Horuk R, Sparre-Ulrich AH, Locati M, Luster AD, Mantovani A, Matsushima K, Murphy PM, Nibbs R, Nomiyama H, Power CA, Proudfoot AE, Rosenkilde MM, Rot A, Sozzani S, Thelen M, Yoshie O, Zlotnik A. Pharmacological Reviews


Immune Regulation by Atypical Chemokine Receptors. Nibbs RJ and Graham GJ. Nature Reviews Immunology


The biochemistry and biology of the atypical chemokine receptors. Graham GJ, Locati M, Mantovani A, Rot A, Thelen M. Immunology Letters


Elevated expression of the chemokine-scavenging receptor D6 is associated with impaired lesion development in psoriasis. Singh MD, King V, Baldwin H, Burden D, Thorrat A, Holmes S, McInnes IB, Nicoll R, Shams K, Pallas K, Jamieson T, Lee KM, Carballido JM, Rot A, Graham GJ. American Journal of Pathology


Acute inflammatory response to cobalt chromium orthopaedic wear debris in a rodent air-pouch model. Akbar M, Fraser AR, Graham GJ, Brewer JM, Grant MH. Journal of the Royal Society Interface


D6 facilitates cellular migration and fluid flow to lymph nodes by suppressing lymphatic congestion. Lee KM, McKimmie CS, Gilchrist DS, Pallas KJ, Nibbs RJ, Garside P, McDonald V, Jenkins C, Ransohoff R, Liu L, Milling S, Cerovic V, Graham GJ. Blood


IL-33 induces skin inflammation with mast cell and neutrophil activation. Hueber AJ, Alves-Filho JC, Asquith DL, Michels C, Millar NL, Reilly JH, Graham GJ, Liew FY, Miller AM, McInnes IB. European Journal of Immunology


An investigation of the inflammatory cytokine and chemokine network in systemic sclerosis. Codullo V, Baldwin HM, Singh MD, Fraser AR, Wilson C, Gilmour A, Hueber AJ, Bonino C, McInnes IB, Montecucco C, Graham GJ. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases


Astrocytes modulate the chemokine network in a pathogen-specific manner. McKimmie CS, Graham GJ. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications


IL-7 induces rapid clathrin-mediated internalization and JAK3-dependent degradation of IL-7Ralpha in T cells. Henriques CM, Rino J, Nibbs RJ, Graham GJ, Barata JT. Blood


Chemokine scavenger D6 is expressed by trophoblasts and aids the survival of mouse embryos transferred into allogeneic recipients. Madigan J, Freeman DJ, Menzies F, Forrow S, Nelson SM, Young A, Sharkey A, Moffett A, Graham GJ, Greer IA, Rot A, Nibbs RJ. Journal of Immunology

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